A Masonic Rite of Adoption Ceremony, or Lewis Degree, will be performed for Alijah Brown, infant son of Brother Andy and Kellie Brown April 9th at 6 pm. The degree derives the name of Lewis from the iron cramp which operative masons would insert into the cavities of large stones, which they could then raise with pulleys to any height and deposit them into the proper position for the construction of a cathedral, castle, or any other structure. Just as the Lewis cramp was essential in the building of these large edifices, so are the infant sons of Master Masons to the continual building of the Masonic Fraternity. In the Adoption Rite, the brethren of the adopting lodge pledge to assist and mentor the young Lewis throughout his years prior to manhood. The Lewis Degree was widely practiced in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and a few Frenchspeaking lodges in America until the late 19th century. Two notable men being adopted as a Lewis (or Louveteau in French) were George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette. The Masonic Rite of Adoption fell out of practice in South Carolina until December 3, 2008, when Amity Lodge No. 87 performed the first Lewis Degree in over two hundred years. Since, many lodges throughout South Carolina have performed the Masonic Rite of Adoption. Amity Lodge has performed four, and have dedicated a wall of the lodge for the Lewis pictures. This will be Inman Lodge’s third Lewis Degree. This degree is open to the public, and everyone is invited to attend.