The Founding of Inman Masonic Lodge
Right Worshipful Brother Joseph M. Elford, District Deputy Grand Master, Second District, offered this account:
“On the 30th. of November 1878 with the assistance of Brothers J.A. Hennemann, Worshipful Master of Spartan Lodge No. 70 and W.F. Briant Worshipful Master of Pacolet Lodge No. 150, “ we examined the appointed officers found them sufficiently proficient and forwarded the application with our recommendation that said dispensation should be granted.”
Ross Cornwell and Samuel M. Willis. A History of Freemasonry in South Carolina: The Years 1860-1919 2nd ed. The Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina, 2009. 84. Print.
This picture of Inman 201 A.F.M. Lodge members was take circa 1900 in front of the the Inman Hotel. Reading from left to right, front row: Gabe Foster, Mr. McElrath, Ed Finch, Enoch Lawrence, Simeon Gowan, Jim Pope, Hill Humphrey, (Grandpa) Humphrey. Back row: Lee Moore, Wreck King, Jim Brock, Tom Brock, Jackson Stone, E.I. Bishop (Mayor of Inman), Dr. J.R. Gibson, Mathew L. Bishop, Adam Ballenger.
The first meeting was held December 11, 1878, at the Southern Railway Station, Inman Depot. The first elected and appointed officers were: J.B.O. Landrum (Worshipful Master); P.B. Hall (Senior Warden); J.E. Harmon (Junior Warden); J.S. Amos (Treasurer); T.V. Gowan (Secretary); M.L. Bishop (Tyler); W.W. Camp (Senior Deacon); C.M. Amos (Junior Deacon); S.A. Bush (Steward); W.S. Royston (Steward). The other founding members were Simon Gowan, E.C. Clark, J.A. Bishop, and Rev. R.A. Brock, J.H.P. Tinsley, and Madison Alverson.
Inman 201 A.F.M. #8 Blackstock Rd, Inman, SC 29349
Our Lodge moved from Inman Depot to #9 Main Street, upstairs over the Rexall Drug Store. We moved once again to #3 Mill Street above Tindall’s Grocery Store, however, the date is not available. In June 1953, the Lodge moved to its current location, #8 Blackstock Road. The first meeting in our new location was held on June 11, 1953, and the Dedication was held on December 12, 1953. December 1, 1953 Henry Collins, Grand Secretary, issued a Duplicate Charter because the original charter had been destroyed. The Master of the Lodge was Worshipful Raymond M. Mathis, he along with Worshipful Tom Brooks and Brother Tracy Gaines were instrumental in the purchase of the Church of God building, where we continue to hold our meetings. Brother D.M. Wolfe was the first to receive his degrees, E.A. 09/14/1953; F.C. 10/20/1953; M.M. 11/19/1953.
In 1985, the first golf tournament sponsored by Inman Lodge was held at Village Greens Golf Course, organized by Reggie Cox and Jackie Gregory.
In 1987, the Master of the Lodge was Grady Rhinehart. It was at this time the dining hall was added.
In 1993, the Master of the Lodge was Jay Adam Pearson. The altar and the officers' stations were built.
In 1999, the Chaplain's chair was donated by David Grace.
In 2000, the Master of the Lodge was Bruce Chennery. New officers' jewels and aprons were purchased.
In 2008, the Master of the Lodge was Jerry Kimmons. Masonic tile was laid around the altar. Hardwood floors and cabinets were installed in the foyer.
In 2009, the Master of the Lodge was Clyde Davis. A Table Lodge was held.
In 2010, the Master of the Lodge was David Thomas. A Lewis Degree was held.
In 2011, the Master of the Lodge was Glen Kirkland. A remembrance of September 11, 2001 was held. An edict from Most Worshipful Brother Jay Adam Pearson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, stated that all Lodges in the jurisdiction be opened on Sunday, September 11, 2011. Renovations to the kitchen and dining hall were begun. The first web site for the Lodge was created. The compilation of the Lodge history was begun.
A special thanks to Brother Ray Pack, Worshipful Brother Cecil Ballew, Right Worshipful Brother Doug O’Shields, Brother D.M. Wolfe, Right Worshipful Brother Bruce Chennery, for their help with the gathering of historical information and for their devotion to our Lodge.