No. 201
Name and Location
This Lodge shall be known as designated as Inman Lodge No. 201; located at Inman, County of Spartanburg.
Section 1. That stated Communications shall be held on the First Thursday of each month, at 7:30 o’clock, PM from April 1st to October 1st, and at 7:30 o’clock PM, during the remainder of the year.
Section 2. During the months of July, August and September the meetings may be suspended by special action of the Lodge.
Section 3. Extra Communications may be held at any time by order of the Master, at which nothing shall be done other than the business for which the communication was called.
Order of Business
The following shall be the order of business at a stated Communications:
1) Reading recorded minutes for confirmation.
2) Receiving and referring petitions.
3) Reports of committees on petitions.
4) Balloting.
5) Unfinished Business.
6) New Business.
7) Work
8) Reading rough minutes for correction.
The order of business may be changed, or temporarily dispensed with by the Master when the occasion requires.
Officers-Elections and Appointments
Section 1. The officers shall be a Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and Junior Deacons, two Stewards and a Tiler.
Section 2. The first five officers shall be elected by ballot, and by a majority of the votes present, for twelve months, at the stated Communication preceding the Festival of St. John the Evangelist (December 27), and shall be installed on or before the said Festival, on which Festival they shall assume the duties and prerogatives of their respective offices. But every officer shall hold his office until his successor shall have been installed.
Section 3. On the night of the election, the Worshipful Master-elect shall appoint Senior Deacon and Tiler; the Senior Warden shall appoint the Junior Deacon, and the Junior Warden shall appoint the two Stewards.
Section 4. The Worshipful Master-elect shall also, on the night of the election, appoint a committee of three to examine the Treasurer’s and Secretary’s books, who shall report at a stated Communication prior to March 1st. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Grand Secretary immediately after it has been made to the Lodge, but not later than April 1.
Duties of the Officers
Worshipful Master
Section 1. The Worshipful Master shall preside at all times, when present. He shall have charge of the Warrant of Constitution, Jewels and furniture. He shall see that the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, as well as By-Laws of his Lodge, be strictly obeyed; that is his officers perform their duties faithfully; that the annual returns be made, and dues punctually paid to the Grand Lodge. He shall appoint all committees, and be ex officio Chairman of the same, when he shall think proper to attend.
On all questions where the votes of the Lodge are equally divided, the Master shall be entitled to the casing vote, in addition to his vote as a member.
There can be no appeal from the decision of the Master except to the Grand Lodge.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Wardens to assist the Worshipful Master in the government of the Lodge, an in his absence to preside according to seniority, unless through courtesy they relinquish the right of presiding to a Past Master present. But in no case shall the Lodge be opened unless either the Worshipful Master or one of the Wardens be present.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall keep an exact amount of all funds of the Lodge, and all script and certificates of stock, and all titles of property belonging to the Lodge. He shall pay all orders signed by the Worshipful Master and countersigned by the Secretary, and those drawn on him by the Committee of Charity. He shall report to the state of the funds at the regular Communications in June and December in each year. He shall submit his books to inspection whenever required by the Worshipful Master, or the Lodge. For the faithful discharge of his duties he shall receive a sum of three hundred fifty dollars.
He shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of one thousand dollars.
Section 4. The Secretary shall issue all necessary summonses for stated Communications and for extra Communications, when required by the presiding officer. He shall keep a record of all of the proceedings of the Lodge, which may be committed to paper, and insert the names of the members and visitors. He shall receive all moneys due the Lodge, and forthwith pay the mover to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same, and report all members in arrears at the stated Communications in June and December. He shall make out the annual return to the Grand Lodge, agreeably to the form prescribed, and transmit the same to the Grand Lodge. For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive the sum of one thousand dollars.
He shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of one thousand dollars.
Section 5. The Senior and Junior Deacons shall perform all of the duties appertaining to their respective offices, under the direction of the Master and Wardens.
Section 6. The Stewards shall, under the direction of the Junior Warden, prepare and superintend the Craft during the hours of refreshment. They shall also be entrusted with the preparation of the candidates and examination of visitors.
Section 7. The Tiler must be a worthy Master Mason. It shall be his duty to serve all summonses delivered to him by the Secretary; to prepare the room for the Communication of the Lodge, and carefully to collect and replace the Jewels and furniture after the Lodge is closed. For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive no pay.
Standing Committees
Section 8. The Worshipful Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be the Standing Committee on the Funds, whose duty it shall be to make sale or commutation of the stock, or other property of the Lodge, also to invest such cash as may be, from time to time, in the hands of the Treasurer, and which they may be directed to invest, in such stock or other property and on such terms as may be determined on by a majority of the committee.
Section 9. A Committee on Charity, to consist of three members, shall be annually appointed, at the stated Communication in January, to whom may be referred all applications for relief during the recess of the Lodge. The majority of the committee shall have power to draw on the Treasurer for an amount, not to exceed one hundred dollars.
Section 1. Every candidate for initiation in this jurisdiction must be without maim or defect that may render him incapable of learning and demonstrating the moral teachings and the secret work and practices of Masonry. In the demonstration of secret work artificial limbs may be used. He must have resided in the state twelve consecutive months, and within the jurisdiction of the Lodge applied to for six months immediately preceding his application; must be able to read and write; and must state in his petition whether or not he has been rejected an any regular Lodge of Ancient Free Masons; and must sign his name in full on the petition.
Section 2. All petitions for degrees or membership must be made in writing, at a stated Communication, recommended by two members, and enclosing not less than ten dollars, upon with a committee of three shall be appointed to inquire into his qualifications, and to report at the next stated Communication.
Section 3. Should the report of the committee be favorable, he may be balloted for, and, if unanimously elected, he shall receive the degrees conferred by the Lodge, on his paying the established fees; but should dissenting ball appear, the ballot shall be repeated, and if one black ball shall then appear, the candidate shall be declared rejected. The rejected candidate shall again be balloted upon by the Lodge at its next regular Communication upon the same petition and the same report of investigation, unless the candidate shall withdraw his petition. Provided further that anyone who has been twice rejected may not apply again for initiation, affiliation, reinstatement or advancement until six months shall have elapsed after such second rejections.
Section 4. The same principles and regulations as to petition, investigation and unanimous ballot shall govern the application of a brethren for membership.
Section 5. Should a candidate neglect to attend for initiation, passing or raising, at the end of three months the money in his petition shall be forfeited to the Lodge; and in case of passing or raising, new ballot shall be ordered, if the Lodge desires.
Section 6. No candidate can receive a higher degree unless he is, before receiving it, unanimously elected thereto by the Lodge, or until by open examination in the Lodge he shall have exhibited suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees to the satisfaction of the presiding officer.
Section 7. No higher degree can be conferred on any candidate at a less interval that one lunar month from the time of his receiving the preceding degree, except by dispensation; and not more than five degrees can be conferred in one day, except by dispensation.
Section 8. The Lodge shall not receive as a member and brother who has been a member of another Lodge in this or any other jurisdiction unless he can produce a demit from the Master of such Lodge, countersigned by the Secretary, and showing that he has paid up his dues and is in good standing, or otherwise fully satisfy the Lodge that he has done so; or a certificate which is equivalent thereto for this purpose.
Section 9. No candidate can be initiated, passed or raised in this Lodge, nor any brother be admitted a member hereof without the unanimous consent of all the members present. If there shall be but one black ball, the presiding officer shall order a second ballot, and if on that ballot one black ball shall again appear, or if on the first ballot more than one black ball appears, the candidate shall be declared to be rejected.
Section 10. If any brother shall disclose the rejection of a candidate in the Lodge to any person other than a Master Mason, he shall be deemed guilty of unmasonic conduct, and be liable to be dealt with accordingly; and if a visiting brother shall presume to make such a disclosure, he shall thereafter be excluded for this Lodge, and his own Lodge shall be notified of the fact.
Whenever a rejection shall occur Section 102,Par. 6 of the Code of Grand Lodge shall be read.
Fees and Dues
Section 1. The fee for the degrees in this Lodge shall be two hundred dollars, to be paid in money as follows:
Deposit, accompanying petition $50.00
For E.A. Degree $50.00
For F.C. Degree $50.00
For M.M. Degree $50.00
But the fees for ministers of God shall be the same as above, which several sums shall actually be paid at or before the time of receiving the petition, or the conferring of each degree.
(But in no case shall the minimum fees charged be less than $30.00, except for ministers of God)
Section 2. The fee for affiliation shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00), which sum shall accompany the petition, except for the ministers of God, which shall be thirty-five dollars ($35.00).
Section 3. Each member of this Lodge shall pay one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Secretary as dues, in accordance with Article 104 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, except for ministers of God, who shall pay one hundred dollars ($100.00)
Section 4. Any member may become a life member upon joining the Perpetual Life Program of the Grand Lodge, if he is clear of the books and not under charges; and the Lodge may elect one life member, upon its own motion, as a reward for eminent Masonic services, but no life member is exempt from being expelled, suspended, or subjected to other Masonic discipline, for cause shown.
Section 5. Any member of this Lodge who has been in continuous or accumulative membership for a period of 40 years or more shall automatically become a Life Member and exempt from all further payments of dues.
Any member desiring to withdraw from this Lodge shall give written notice through the Secretary, which shall be read at a stated Communication, when, if all arrears are paid, and there are no charges against him, he shall be eligible for a demit from this Lodge as provided by Section 148 of the Code.
All charges and trials in this Lodge shall conform to the provisions of Chapter XXVI of the Constitution of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina.
Rules of Order
Section 1. When the presiding officer takes the chair, every officer and member shall immediately take his place and observe strict order and decorum.
Section 2. No member shall speak until he first rise, and respectfully address the presiding officer; nor shall he speak more than twice on any subject, unless to explain, or by permission from the chair.
Section 3. All questions of order shall be decided by the presiding officer, without appeal to the Lodge.
Section 4. No motion shall be entertained until seconded, and no debate had thereon until it is stated by the presiding officer.
Section 5. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but to postpone, indefinitely or to a time certain, to refer, to substitute, or to ament, which motions shall always be in order, and shall take precedence in the order named.
Section 6. All questions before the Lodge, not otherwise particularly defined, shall be decided by a majority of the Lodge.
Section 7. No person shall be permitting to leave the room during the session of the Lodge but by permission of the presiding officer.
Section 8. No officer shall leave his seat, except it be in the discharge of his official duties.
Section 9. No brother shall move his place, nor shall any member or visitor be permitted to enter, at any time during the opening or closing of the Lodge, the reading of the minutes, at the time of preparing a candidate, or while conferring a degree, unless with permission of the chair.
Section 10. If any member or visitor shall be guilty of indecorum during the session of the Lodge, the Worshipful Master may, at his discretion, reprimand or exclude him for that Communication from the Lodge.
Section 11. No member who owes the current year’s dues shall be eligible for election to any office, or be allowed to vote at the election of the officers.
Section 12. The Constitution of the Grand Lodge and the Landmarks of the Order, as set forth in the Ahiman Rezon of Brother Mackey, shall be the governing principle of this Lodge and shall be referred to in all cases of doubt. In all decisions of the Lodge, appeals may be had to the Grand Lodge, but until the opinion of the latter is made known the decision of the former is held valid.
Section 13. The By-Laws shall be read in open Lodge at least once per year.
No additions, alterations, or amendments can be made to these By-Laws, unless presented in writing and read at three stated Communications, and approved by three-fourths of the members present; no can any such addition, alteration or amendment become operative until approved by the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Master and attested by the Grand Secretary.
Dues for Retired Members
Retired members of this Lodge shall pay to the Secretary sixty dollars per year as dues providing that before January 1, 2018, they:
A. Received their Master Mason (or Third) Degree, and
B. Were at least 65 years of age.
Past Master’s Aprons
A Past Master’s apron shall be purchased and presented to each outgoing Worshipful Master, once only.
Dues for Disabled Members
Disabled members of this Lodge shall pay to the Secretary thirty-five dollars per year as dues providing that before January 1, 2018, they:
A. Received their Master Mason (or Third) Degree, and
B. Were declared disabled by the Worshipful Master of the time being.
The current Worshipful Master shall have full discretion on eligibility.