2015 Elections

The election of our officers of Inman Lodge for 2015 has brought us many familiar faces, and a few new ones as well.  Brother Stephen A. Pinker was elected to the East and will serve as Worshipful Master.  Brother Lynn Lowe was elected to the West as Senior Warden, and Brother Steven Adams was elected to the South as Junior Warden.  Right Worshipful Brother Doug O’Shields was reelected as Treasurer, and Worshipful Brother Glen Kirkland as secretary.  Worshipful Brother Glen, however, stepped down shortly after the election, and Worshipful Brother Paul McWilliams was elected as Secretary in a special election under dispensation from the Grand Lodge.  Worshipful Brother Lew Crissone was reappointed as Tyler.  The office of Senior Deacon was appointed to Brother Stephen E. Pinker, and the office of Junior Warden was appointed to Brother Kristopher Brown, his first time appointed to an office.  Three more newcomers to Inman’s officers are Brother Steve Parris’ appointment as Chaplain, and Brothers Joe Schultz and Steven Setzer to the office of Stewards.