Pizza Inn Fundraiser
On Thursday March 17, 2022 Inman AFM 201 will hold a fundraiser at the Pizza Inn located in Duncan, SC from 5:30pm -9:00pm. We will be replacing the wait staff and benefit from tips generated during this time. Please come out to support Inman or Masonry in general. Hope to see you there.
Pizza Inn
EA Degree
Brethren, The Officers of Inman 201 would like to invite all brothers in good standing to attend our 1st EA degree in sometime. The Lodge will be initiating 2 brothers on Tuesday January 24th at 730 pm with a fellowship meal served at 630pm sharp! Our Junior Warden Jason Few will be conferring the degree with the Lecturer to be announced at a later date.
E.A. Degree 01/24/2022
Please join us for an Entered Apprentice Degree. There are 2 candidates scheduled to begin their Masonic journey on January 24, 2022. We will bless the meal and eat at 630pm Sharp with the degree starting at 730pm. Right Worshipful Trent Henderson will be providing the 1st Degree Lecture immediately following the Ritual Ceremonies. All Brothers in good standing and Initiated EA Candidates are welcome to attend. (NOTE: Brothers please have your current 2022 dues card available and EA Candidates , make sure you have a Brother vouch for you.)
Chartles Heatherly Golf Tournament
December Communication and Officer Installation
All Inman Lodge Members are encouraged to attend the upcoming regularly scheduled business meeting on December 3rd. During this meeting, We will be reviewing normal Lodge business as well as installing the Elected Officers for the 2021 year. Please plan on attending and show your support to these Newly elected and/or appointed Brothers. The meeting will begin at 730pm and please be aware that due to COVID-19 restrictions will be limiting number of members admitted. No meal will be served. Contact your Officers if you would like details and or assistance with attending.
Master Mason's Degree
Inman Lodge would like to congratulate Brother Craig Lord who received his Master Mason Degree on March 12, 2020. The Brethren were treated to a delicious meal, as usual, prepared by Past Master Steve Pinker. The craft enjoyed a great Master Mason Degree Ceremony under the guidance of WM John Woodyard and numerous Past Masters as well as several Past Grand Lodge Officers. All of the Officers worked extremely hard in preparing for this occasion. A special thanks goes out to Most Worshipful Jay Pearson for communicating the Master Mason’s Lecture to Brother Lord and the Brethren.
Inman Lodge would like to congratulate our new Brother for taking this step in Masonry!
Monthly Fellowship
Business meeting was held on Thursday 3/5 with 20 brothers and 1 visitor in attendance. The Lodge enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Brother Pinker. Lots of new business has been scheduled, so check the calendar for updates.
Business as Usual
Inman 201 A.F.M. conducted the February 2020 Business meeting on Thursday February 13,2020. There were 19 present including MW Jay Adam Pearson Past Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina and RWB OB Smith III Deputy Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina. Business was conducted with several items gaining traction. There are several exciting announcements that are coming your way. Please check back for further information.
February 6, 2020 Regular Communication
Due to the recent severe weather in the area, the Worshipful Master asked Grand Lodge for special permission to postpone the regular communication one week until February 13, 2020. This one time delay allowed for all Brethren to attend to their loved ones.