One of the missions of Inman Masonic Lodge is community service. In the past, the Lodge has had members visit the area nursing home facilities during Christmas to give gifts to the residents. Brother David Fisgus took up the mantle this year and delivered gifts to about eighty residents of Golden Age, Inman Healthcare and Magnolia Manor.
Brother Fisgus prepared gift boxes for the men and ladies of these facilities. They included socks for the ladies, thermal or tube socks for the men, toboggans with some of the ladies instead receiving throw blankets, crossword or word search puzzle books, personal hygiene and toiletry items and assorted candies. These gift boxes were made possible by a generous donation from the members of Inman Masonic Lodge, as well as dental hygiene items donated from local dentists, toiletry items donated from Brother Fisgus’ co-workers, various items donated by Brother Carl Webb, and the throw blankets from an anonymous donor.
With the assistance of his daughter, Mallory, and his son, Matthew, Brother Fisgus delivered these items to the residents, remarking how wonderful it was to give to people of need for Inman Lodge. “It was brought to my attention by the activities directors and workers of these facilities,” Brother Fisgus said, “that this is the only thing that some of these residents will get all year.” Brother Fisgus said that a lack of time prevented him from meeting all the residents. It is his wish that we of Inman Lodge, or better still in cooperation with other Lodges, continue with the collection and distribution of the packages. “(We need) to spread the love and joy of the holiday season,” Brother Fisgus said. “(We need) to see the joy and appreciation it gives some of these folks just to spend time with them, and know they aren’t forgotten.”