Front Row (L-R): Bruce Chennery, PDDGM, Grady Rhinehart, PM, Lynn Lowe, PM, Terry Mabry, PM, Ken Kuszmaul, WM, Keith Dellinger, PM, Jerry Kimmons, PDDGM, Paul McWilliams, DDGM, Stephen Pinker, PM
Back Row (L-R): Jay Adam Pearson, PGM, Eddy Mitchell, PDDGM, Doug O'Shields, PDDGM, Jeff Honeycutt, SGD, Steve Pinker, PM, RJ Plumley, PM
A Master Mason Degree was conferred at Inman Masonic Lodge on June 12, 2018 by Inman’s Past Master Degree Team. Members of Grand Lodge, including RWB Walter C. “Cal” Disher, Deputy Grand Master of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, were in attendance. Fifteen of Inman’s Past Masters, including MWB Jay Adam Pearson, Past Grand Master, were in attendance as well, and were presented with SC AFM Past Master lapel pins by RWB Paul McWilliams, District Deputy Grand Master of the 20th Masonic District. Brother Hunter Webb, son of Brother Carl Webb, was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason as over forty Masons looked on during this night of fellowship.
Congratulations to the Brothers Webb, and to Inman’s Degree Team for a job well done.