At the November regular communication, elections were held for the officers of Inman Masonic Lodge for the ensuing Masonic year. Brother Ken Kuszmaul was elected to serve as Worshipful Master for 2018. WB Terry Mabry was elected to serve as Senior Warden, and Brother Steve Parris was elected to serve as Junior Warden. RWB Doug O'Shields was elected to serve as Treasurer, and RWB Paul McWilliams was elected to serve as Secretary. Brother John Woodyard was appointed to serve as Senior Deacon, and Brother Jared Miller was appointed to serve as Junior Deacon. Brothers Carl Webb and Gene Michael Kuszmaul were appointed to serve as Stewards. WB Stephen A. Pinker was appointed to serve as Tiler, and Brother David Fisgus was appointed to serve as Chaplain.
Public installation for these Brethren will be held at the Lodge on December 9, 2017 at 3 pm. Congratulation to all these Brethren on their elections and appointments. Inman Masonic Lodge continues to be held in good hands!