A Thanksgiving Day Prayer from our Grand Master

Michael D. Smith, 33°

Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina, AFM



Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Today I offer this Thanksgiving prayer to my Masonic Brethren. May God continue to richly bless each of you, your families, our Fraternity, and our Nation. 

Most Holy and Glorious Lord God of Heaven, thank you for the beginning of a new day, as we renew of our vow of service and labors as Free Men and Free Masons, to share your Love, Mercy, and Grace among those that we may touch each day and one with the other.

I ask for forgiveness for our errors, and mistakes that have hurt others, while we give thanks for the great compassion that men of faith have for one another.

I ask your infinite blessings upon all members of our fraternity this day, Thanksgiving Day, as we reflect on our principle role as men of Faith and Love.  Today, I ask that each of our members feel your presence and understand the great role each has to teach our children of whatever age, to be the shining example of what is right and true, an example of Love, an example of strength and an example of faith. 

Guide our thoughts, words, and actions all the days of our lives with that great purpose of teaching and guiding our children, as well as those we influence, to walk in the paths of righteousness and truth. We give thanks for these gifts and the wisdom to properly use our gifts for your honor and glory. Aid us, O God, to learn and use our gifts wisely and well in the coming days. 

I ask for your gifts of patience, steadfastness, endurance, wisdom, love and grace upon all my brethren every day but today more especially this Thanksgiving Day.  Touch each of them with the great sense of purpose as we claim your promise of great success for all of your children.  Lead us every day in the paths of truth, guide the steps of the faithful to remember our duties to our children, our families, each other, our nation and in the world. Aid us, O God, to learn and use these gifts wisely and well in the coming days.

Lord God, I pray that you imbue our Nation, with the realization that our nation is only as strong as our Faith.  Strengthen our members to be the Fatherly example in our homes, communities, churches, states and our Nation. 

Remove those among us, that sacrifice our honor and integrity for their selfish greed and evil motivation, send to us the leaders of faith, men who will stand, men who will lead and men who will pray for strength and guidance every day. 

I ask your grace and mercy upon those among us that are suffering from ill health, loneliness, ill fortune, and even estrangement from their families.  Guide them to the place in your will and paths that will be pleasing in your sight.  As men of faith, we acknowledge that all will be healed in time, according to your purpose, and whether here, so as to be called to further service, or when we claim the promise of joy and fellowship for eternity.

We give humble thanks for all the days of our lives, and all those that have touched our lives, provided guidance and wisdom to us along our journey.  May they know that they are truly Loved.  I ask for your finest blessings each of those that have shared of themselves to help us along our journey as men of faith. 


So Mote It Be!
