The Harvest Day Barbeque Sale is Inman Masonic Lodge’s second largest fundraiser, and this year it took on the unofficial slogan, “Keeping it in the Community”. Keeping the money from its fundraisers in Inman and its surrounding communities has been the goal of Inman Masonic Lodge, and volunteers reminded its patrons as they came in for the Famous Pinker Barbeque served each year. Inman Lodge gave free water to Harvest Day attendees, and customers enjoyed the air conditioned dining hall and the tents outside. One patron said, “I come by each year because it’s for the Lodge, it’s local, and it’s just plain good.”
About ten or more servicemen came in for a complimentary meal. At the end of the day, two young men, members of Chapman’s football team, came in and were treated to a meal. As they ate, they began to ask about Masonry, and the Brothers of Inman were more than happy to answer all of their questions. A special thanks goes out to all the volunteers for their assistance, especially the Pinker family for preparing the food, and also to Bi-Lo of Inman.