The Spartanburg AFM Club

Worshipful Brother Paul McWilliams has been elected to serve as President of the Spartanburg AFM Club for a 2nd consecutive term, a first in the club’s history.  The AFM Club is a club open to all Master Masons of the 19th, 20th & 21st Districts, free of charge.  The club’s goals are to assist the lodges of these districts as well as raise funds to assist these district in paying for their annual Inspirational Meetings.  They also host activity nights for the brethren and their families throughout the year, the next one being Family Feud Game Night on April 9th at 6 PM.  The evening is free, with a donation box for the taco dinner which starts at 5 PM.  The AFM Club will also be conferring an EA degree at the annual Cave Degree hosted by Union Lodge #38 in Kingston, TN.  If you wish to attend this degree, please contact the AFM Club of Spartanburg.  You can also visit their website at .