The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Fellows have appointed two of our own to their ranks. Worshipful Brother Paul McWilliams and Brother Steve Adams were appointed as Fellows for the Spartanburg Valley for 2016. Fellows for the Scottish Rite are appointed biannually, and for 2016 the Past Fellows of the South Carolina Orient have appointed eleven Fellows. These Brothers are tasked with bringing new ideas for growth to the AASR and more especially their Orient. These Fellows will attend a leadership conference on April 15th & 16th in Charlotte, NC where they will have the opportunity to have a private meeting with the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Illustrious Brother Ronald A. Seale. Inman Lodge has only had two other Fellows appointments, RWB Bruce Chennery and RWB Jerry Kimmons, who have both served as District Deputy Grand Masters for the 20th Masonic District.