Inman Masonic Lodge Officers for 2019

At the November regular communication, elections were held for the officers of Inman Masonic Lodge for the ensuing Masonic year.  Brother Stephen Parris was elected to serve as Worshipful Master for 2019.  Brother John Woodyard was elected to serve as Senior Warden, and Brother Jared Miller was elected to serve as Junior Warden.  RWB Doug O'Shields was elected to serve as Treasurer, and RWB Paul McWilliams was elected to serve as Secretary.  Brother Carl Webb was appointed to serve as Senior Deacon, and Brother Gene Michael Kuszmaul was appointed to serve as Junior Deacon.  Brothers David Fisgus and Hunter Webb were appointed to serve as Stewards.  WB Stephen A. Pinker was appointed to serve as Tiler, and Brother Jason Murphy was appointed to serve as Chaplain.  

Congratulation to all these Brethren on their elections and appointments.  Inman Masonic Lodge continues to be held in good hands!

Welcome, Worshipful Brethren!

Inman Masonic Lodge would like to welcome two of our newest members, WB Patrick Murphy, Past Master of Hugh L. Bates Lodge #686 F&AM in Hamilton, Ohio, and WB James Pearson, Past Master of Pultneyville Lodge #159 F&AM in Pultneyville, NY.

It is an honor to have these two Brothers join us and share their experience in the Craft!

Harvest Day 2018

Inman Lodge’s Annual Barbecue Sale was held at Harvest Day on September 29th.  The second largest fundraiser of the year for Inman Lodge was reported to totally sell out as a steady stream of customers came in for hot dogs and that famous Pinker BBQ.

Inman Masonic Lodge is lucky to have the support of its community. Thank you to all of today’s patrons, and a very special thanks to all those who volunteered their Saturday to make this event a success!

Brother Joe McCutcheon

Brother Joe Arthur McCutcheon, a forty-five year life member of Inman Masonic Lodge, laid down his working tools on September 23rd. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018 from 2:00 to 2:50 pm at Seawright Funeral Home. The funeral service will be held at 3:00 pm in the Seawright Funeral Chapel. Interment will be in Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Inman, SC.

Brother McCutcheon’s obituary can be viewed here.

Inman Golf Tournament 2018

The weather was beautiful with a high of 82 degrees for the 32nd Annual Charles Heatherly Memorial Golf Tournament at Village Greens in Inman, SC.  Twenty-seven teams competed in the captain's choice affair that began at 8 am with a shotgun start.  As the teams began to roll in around lunchtime, they were treated to a barbecue meal prepared by Inman Lodge's own Gary Plumley and Mike Caton. 

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped make another enjoyable event by Inman Masonic Lodge possible!

Grand Master's Bowling Tournament 2018

Ninety-seven people came to Paradise Lanes on August 27, 2018 to participate in the Grand Master's Bowling Tournament.  Again, all thirty-six lanes were full for the event.  MWB Michael D. Smith was in attendance with the rest of the Grand Lodge's elected line.  

Buffalo Lodge #202 won the high team score for the evening, as well as high individual score.  Cherokee Lodge #135 won the low team score, and Lady Lynn Smith won low individual score.

Thanks to all the participants for making this a memorable and fun event!


Inman Lodge's Flag Presentation Ceremony

Reported by Stephen E. Pinker, PM:

On July 14th, a ceremony to celebrate our Nation's Flag was held at Inman Masonic Lodge.  The flag presentation was preceded by a fabulous meal prepared by Inman Lodge’s members.  Everyone was then gathered in the main Lodge room for the presentation that WB Ken Kuzmaul had lined up for the evening.  It started off with the presentation of our Nation’s flag, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.   Bro. William Turner, a Past National Sojourner, along with his wife, Patti, gave the presentation of the building of our flag.  It gave bits of history of our flag that some were not aware, such as the size and shape of the stars were left up to the seamstress sewing the flag.  This small detail is how we have 5 pointed stars on our flag today.

After the presentation WB Ken then recognized our first responders and military and thanked them for their service.  He then presented Cornelius Huff, Mayor of Inman, with a flag.  Bro. Turner tells us that, “the flag was flown by Congressman Trey Gowdy (SC-4) for me on February 22nd, George Washington’s Birthday.”  Mayor Huff was greatly surprised and humbled to receive such a gift.  He stated that it would be proudly displayed in City Hall for all to enjoy.  Mayor Huff was given time to speak and reaffirmed how great it was to be invited to such a presentation and that he had never seen our flag presented in such a unique and profound way.  WB Ken then concluded the presentation by telling of the under taking of passing out the flags along with the etiquette booklet, after which he gave the benediction.

Pictures of the event can be viewed here.

Inman's Degree Work

Brothers Shawn Osborne, Cole Howard and Kevin Steed received their Master Mason Degree on April 7th, 2018.  Brother Jason Murphy received his Entered Apprentice Degree on April 19th.  Hunter Webb received his Master Mason Degree on June 12th.

Inman Lodge would like to congratulate the following Brethren for taking their respective steps in Masonry!