The 281st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina will be held on April 26th and 27th, at the Jamil Shrine Center located at 206 Jamil Road, Columbia, SC 29210.
The Religious Service will commence on Thursday, April 26th at 9:00 AM and will be conducted by Reverend and Right Worshipful A. Robert Nix, Grand Chaplain. Following the Religious Service, the Grand Lodge will be officially opened at 10:00 AM by Most Worshipful Michael D. Smith, Sr., Grand Master with the assistance of the Grand Lodge Officers and Brethren. The Annual Banquet will be held on Thursday, April 26th at 7:00 PM in the Ball Room of the Double Tree Hotel located at 2100 Bush River Road, Columbia, SC 29210. Grand Lodge will then reconvene on Friday Morning to complete its Communication.